13 April 2023

High level of dynamism on the SHIP world market in 2022

The world market for solar process heat (SHIP) is gaining momentum. In 2022, more SHIP systems went into operation than in any year since surveys began in 2017. The project developers reported 114 systems with a capacity of 30 MW. In the preceding years the survey results showed only 71 systems (2021) and 85 systems (2020). In 2022 the top five markets were the Netherlands, China, France, Mexico and Germany (see pie chart).

The survey was carried out by the German agency solrico and supported by the German research project Modulus.

Read more details about the "High level of dynamism on the SHIP world market in 2022".

We thank the around 70 project developers and technology suppliers from 25 countries worldwide which took part in the current SHIP survey and filled in a comprehensive file.

Unfortunately, there is still a large number of SHIP project developers who were not satisfied with the business development in 2022. High interest, but slow decision making is what the companies reported.

Read more about the “Mood on the SHIP market in 2022”.