13 Oktober 2022
Innovative Industrial Process Heat session at Eurosun

Solrico was among the speakers during the session “Innovative Industrial Process Heat” at the Eurosun Conference at the end of September 2022 in Kassel, Germany. Current and future market development in the solar industrial heat market was in the focus of the presentation.
Key trends emphasized by Bärbel Epp:
- SHIP plants in 2021 were realised with a large variety of collector types (flat, vacuum tubes, air, PVT, evacuated flat plate, Dish, parabolic troughs).
- The number of concentrating solar heat solution suppliers increased significantly in the last two years.
- Roll outs of SHIP systems among factories of multinational cooperations are possible and in sight.
- Four times more concentrating solar heat capacity planned to be comissioned in 2022 than in the previous year.
You can download the presentation here.