Keynote at SHC 2019 in Chile

The Solar Heating and Cooling Conference 2019 at the beginning of November in Chile gathered more than 400 experts from all corners of the globe. Bärbel Epp had been invited to hold a keynote about Industry and Market Trends in Solar Heating and Cooling on the second day of the conference. The presentation included the market development of the largest solar thermal markets 2018 globally as well as the ranking of the worldwide largest collector manufacturers related to their production output in 2018 (photo: Randy Martin for IEA SHC).
Other aspects of the presentation were the solar district heating market that has been triggered by the achievements in Denmark. Furthermore, Bärbel Epp reported about ways how to overcome the vicious circle of low deployment rates in the solar industrial heat segment. The presentation ended with the description of several successful business models established by solar industrial heat technology suppliers and some recommendations.
You can download the pdf here.