01 April 2019

Moderation of Solar Academy webinars

The IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme contracted solrico to moderate its series of quarterly Solar Academy webinars during 2019. The first of four webinars took place at 21 March 2019 and dealt with the topic of Large-scale DHC Systems.

Five researchers from IEA SHC TASK 55 titled "Towards the Integration of Large SHC Systems into District Heating and Cooling Networks" shared the latest results from large-scale solar district heating systems around the world. You hear about reaching up to 100 % solar fractions in Canada, about decentralised integration of solar fields in Germany and the latest market data from Denmark.

The recording of the 1.5-hour event is available online:

The next Solar Academy webinar is planned for the 18th of June and will include speeches with latest information on market and industry development and trends within the global solar heating and cooling sector.